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Swiss Energy Industry at the Crossroads

A Global Perspective on Cybersecurity, Critical Infrastructure Protection, and Energy Strategies

The interplay and tensions across policies and strategies for energy, critical infrastructures, and cybersecurity are complex and multifaceted. These three domains, while distinct, are deeply interconnected in the modern world, each influencing and being influenced by the others.

Energy Policies and Strategies: The shift towards renewable and sustainable energy sources presents a challenge in balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability. Countries are striving to reduce carbon emissions and increase renewable energy use, while ensuring stable and affordable energy supply. This transition impacts critical infrastructure and necessitates robust cybersecurity to protect increasingly digitized energy systems.


Critical Infrastructure Protection: As nations prioritize the security and resilience of critical infrastructure, there's a tension between the need for robust physical infrastructure and the growing reliance on digital technologies. Protecting physical assets such as bridges, power grids, and water systems must harmonize with safeguarding digital components against cyber threats.


Cybersecurity Strategies and Policies: The increasing digitization of critical infrastructures and energy systems heightens cybersecurity risks. Nations are tasked with developing cybersecurity policies that not only protect digital assets and infrastructure but also enable innovation and collaboration in the digital space. The challenge lies in implementing stringent cybersecurity measures without hindering technological advancement or international cooperation.


The intersection of these domains creates a dynamic landscape where innovation, security, and sustainability must be carefully balanced. Policies and strategies in one area can significantly impact the others, requiring a coordinated and holistic approach to ensure resilient, secure, and sustainable development. The visual representation of these interplays and tensions can be seen in the provided image, which illustrates the overlapping concerns and shared responsibilities among energy, critical infrastructures, and cybersecurity.

How do key Countries & Regions Compare?

At Senthorus, our deep understanding of the intricate interplay between energy policies, critical infrastructure, and cybersecurity is fundamental to providing top-tier cybersecurity monitoring solutions. Through our engagements with customers and stakeholders in the energy sector, we've gained valuable insights into the challenges and complexities brought by the convergence of these domains. This convergence often complicates their operational landscape and introduces ambiguity in areas like data sovereignty, technological innovation, and compliance with cybersecurity regulations. Our analysis of global policies and strategies in these key areas across different countries and regions reveals diverse approaches:

Country/RegionOverall ApproachEnergy PolicyCritical Infrastructure PolicyCybersecurity Policy
USASecurity-Driven SustainabilityClimate-Neutral AmbitionRobust Protection FocusRapid Resilience Strategy
European UnionBalanced Technological IntegrationInnovative Renewable MixIntegrated Data SecurityDigital Rights Emphasis
GermanyComprehensive Protective MeasuresEmission Reduction CommitmentCollaborative Security ApproachTechnological Sovereignty Focus
FranceResilience with AutonomyBalanced Sustainability GoalsStrategic Resilience OrientationAutonomy and Protection
JapanHarmonized Security InnovationDiversified Carbon NeutralityStrategic Protective MeasuresInnovative Secure Cyberspace
ChinaCentralized Control FocusTargeted Green TransitionSovereign Control PriorityNational Cyber Sovereignty
SwitzerlandPrecision in ResilienceEfficient Renewable TransitionIntegrated Risk ManagementGlobal Collaboration Emphasis


We believe that our role in ensuring the security and resilience of this sector grows increasingly vital as Switzerland navigates this transformative era. Our comprehensive analysis of the diverse global approaches to these key areas, spanning various countries and regions, equips us with a nuanced perspective that we apply in tailoring our services to meet the unique needs of the Swiss energy sector.

Senthorus and Partners: Pioneering Cybersecurity Solutions

To achieve this, at Senthorus, we're diligently collaborating with our key partners, ELCA, BlueVoyant, and others to ensure our customers in the energy sector not only navigate the complexities of today's challenges but also are well-prepared for the future. Our approach is rooted in the deep understanding of the industry’s needs and the global landscape it operates in, enabling us to support them in their immediate and long-term resilience goals.

Conclusion: Precision, Reliability, and Foresight

The Swiss energy sector's journey through this era of renewable energy and technological integration is both challenging and promising. Senthorus is at the forefront, ensuring that cybersecurity resilience remains a cornerstone of national and economic security. Embodying Switzerland's ethos of precision, reliability, and foresight, Senthorus is dedicated to leading the Swiss energy sector into a secure and sustainable future.

Annex – Overview of Approaches


Country / RegionEnergy Sector Policies and StrategiesCritical Infrastructure Policies and StrategiesCybersecurity Strategies and Policies

Climate-Neutral Ambition

Aiming for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, with a focus on renewable energy and phasing out nuclear power. Investment in initiatives like the American Jobs Plan.

Robust Protection

Emphasizes laws like the CISA Act and Cybersecurity Enhancement Act, focusing on the protection of critical infrastructure.

Resilience and Rapid Response

The National Cybersecurity Strategy 2023 prioritizes securing cyberspace and building a resilient digital ecosystem.

EUInnovative and Balanced Mix Commitment to climate neutrality by 2050 and substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, with a strong focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Integrated Security

Incorporates data protection in infrastructure security through the Network and Information Systems Directive and GDPR.

Digital Sovereignty and Rights

The 2020 Cybersecurity Strategy emphasizes a secure, global, open Internet while ensuring fundamental rights.


Climate-Neutral Ambition

Aiming for net-zero emissions by 2050, Germany focuses on reducing emissions, diversifying energy sources, and phasing out nuclear power and coal.

Collaborative Safeguarding

The 2013 Critical Infrastructure Protection Law sets a common security level for all critical operators, reinforcing ANSSI support in cyberattacks.

Resilience and Rapid Response

The 2021 Cyber Security Strategy emphasizes resilience, technological sovereignty, cyber deterrence, and international cyberspace order.


Innovative and Balanced Mix

France's transition goals include carbon neutrality by 2050, with a significant reduction in emissions, an increase in renewable energy, and improved energy efficiency.

Strategic Resilience

The CIIP Framework 2013 focuses on reinforcing the cybersecurity of critical infrastructures through public-private partnerships.

Digital Sovereignty and Rights

The 2015 National Digital Security Strategy supports digital transition in society and European digital strategic autonomy.


Targeted Carbon Neutrality

Japan's plan includes carbon neutrality by 2050 and a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, alongside energy diversification and nuclear energy integration.

Strategic Resilience

Protects infrastructure and national secrets through the Basic Act on Cybersecurity and the Protection of Specially Designated Secrets Act.

Secure Cyberspace Innovation

The 2021 Cybersecurity Strategy aims to create a secure, free, and fair cyberspace, focusing on protecting society and critical infrastructure.


Targeted Carbon Neutrality

China targets carbon neutrality by 2060 with a peak in emissions by 2030, emphasizing an increase in non-fossil fuel energy guided by its Five-Year Plan.

Sovereign Cyber Control

Emphasizes the protection of critical cyber infrastructure through the Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Regulation.

Sovereign Cyber Control

The 2016 Cybersecurity Strategy focuses on national cyberspace sovereignty and securing the development interests of the nation.


Sustainable Transition and Efficiency Focus

Switzerland is focused on climate neutrality and renewable energy. Its Energy Strategy 2050 targets a 50% renewable energy share by 2035 and a 43% increase in energy efficiency. Key policies include the CO2 Act and the Electricity Supply Act, emphasizing sustainable energy transition.

Integrated Resilience and Risk Management:

Switzerland establishes a robust framework for safeguarding essential services. Switzerland's approach integrates risk management and resilience, ensuring continuous operation of vital systems for public safety and economic stability.

Comprehensive Cyber Resilience and Global Collaboration:

The National Strategy outlines a comprehensive cybersecurity approach, focusing on resilience, awareness, and international cooperation. Switzerland aligns with global cybersecurity standards and participates actively in international cybersecurity dialogues.


Contact our expert

Carlos PINTO

Senthorus Senior Manager

Meet Carlos PINTO, our Senior Manager at Senthorus. Contact Carlos to discuss how he can help propel your cybersecurity initiatives forward.